- Side Plank
- Split Squat
- Leg Extension with Donkey Kick
- All Fours On Ball
Do each exercise, back to back without rest. Once all exercises of the group are completed, rest for a minute or two. Repeat the whole group once more before moving onward to Group One. Get heart rate down between groups of exercises, usually rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Side Plank
30- 45 seconds
Lay on the side of your stomach. Place feet on BOSU or leave on floor. Position your hips upward, level with your shoulders. You can be on your elbow or hand, whichever is more comfortable.
Hold 30-45 seconds each side without collapsing your hips.
Split Squats
10 each leg
Place one back foot on top of the bench and push core backward towards that foot.
Step the front leg out as far as the knee is behind the toes. Drop straight down into the lunge, slowly rise up and repeat. Switch legs
Hold a weight in each hand for added difficulty.
Form is every thing when you are exercising. Make sure the legs are in the right position with thigh straight out of hip and pelvis faces forward so there’s no twisting in the lower back.
Leg Ext- Donkey Kick
15 each total 30 each leg
Try to keep your back level from shoulders to hips.
Lift you leg straight up with twisting the lower back. Complete 15 reps.
Bend the leg to 90 degrees, lift knee up to the sky for 15 reps.
Stay on one side completing both lifts before moving to the other side.
All Fours on Ball
Stability Ball
1-5 minutes
Keep you hands on the ball, then roll onto knees.
Stabilize ball with all four points touching ball.
- Wall Squats with Rotation
- Star Plank
Do each exercise, back to back without rest. Once all exercises of the group are completed, rest for a minute or two. Repeat the whole group once more.
Wall Squats with Rotations
Wall, with or without a medicine ball
30 seconds
Rest up again a flat surface, lowering into a squat and hold this position.
Take a medicine ball or free weight and twist right then left without moving out of position.
Place feet directly under the knees , try to get the thighs parallel to the floor.
Star Plank
8-10 reps each side
Lay on side of stomach and place hand underneath the shoulder.
Raise up into the side plank position.
Raise your top leg up and down for 10 reps before switching to the other side.