Fascia Release
for both the horse and human
Fascia builds up on both a horse and a human. No ones immune to this sticky tissue that comes in to screw with a persons/animals mechanics. Even if you’ve never been seriously injured or had a surgery, you will develop some fascia as you get older. It doesn’t just go away but rather it’s acts like moss on tree.
Self body work like foam rolling can help release layers of fascia but sometimes it’s hard to access the areas that really need release. For areas like the piriformis, side of the hips, inner thigh and middle, I recommend doing active release therapy. Hands on sessions are absolutely worth the money for both horse and human.
It’s like moss…
It’s fibrous tissue that encloses every muscle, bone, nerve, tendon, etc in one continuous system. And often times, fascial restrictions won’t show up n X-rays or scans, so that problem you just can’t seem to figure out? Myo-fascial Release may be your answer.
MFR is a hands-on soft tissue therapy that targets the treatment of skeletal muscles, relieving pain, improving mobility and returning the subtleness to the horse. It can improve blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulate the stretch reflex muscles.
- Rider’s legs swing in the saddle
- Arms can not oscillate with the horse
- Is the horse acting out of his normal demeanor?
- Are there any gait irregularities?
- Is the horse dying out of the trot or canter?
- Are constant adjustments needed?
- Physically can not hold an adjustment?
- Hips and legs get short in the saddle?
Fascia release is gentle release but draws into deeper tissue. Techniques have a more positive and lasting affect on the body.
Simple massages do not get deep enough for true joint mobilizing. Deep tissues loosened up and allow the skeleton structure to slide naturally back into place (or with a gentle push).
“It’s not about forcing your way through, it’s about getting the body to let you in”, says Rick Pazen, a Physical Therapist certified through John Barnes PT. “It’s about starting therapy at the first symptom and letting the body lead you to the cause of the problem. And you never know where that may be but once tissue is unstuck, the body goes into alignment naturally.
So, don’t wait until the wheels fall of your horse- so to speak- to try to find the answer. In our opinion at BioRider, Prehab is better than Rehab.