Salt 4 Horses
and humans
You know that white foam coming off the horse when hosing it off after a taxing ride? That is salt or sodium released from the horses body when they sweat. There are some horses that will sweat more salt than others. Riders will supplement horses with electrolytes and salt, like salt blocks.
The body naturally expels toxins out with water and other components when sweating. It’s also a way of cooling down the body when it gets hot. Out comes salt when you sweat and that’s the salty taste; same with your horse.
Salt helps the body absorb water and this helps overall muscles recovery. As salt is depleted from your body, there needs to be a replacement. Somehow the animal or human must consume sodium. Most of a person’s diet is take out or eating restaurant style meals which tend to have more than enough sodium. When you are eating clean and making your own meals, not as much salt is used. Our body reacts to the chemical make up of what you consume daily.
More nutrition will be added to the weekly layouts, continue to look for updated material on your membership page!
But say you are a salty sweater and you have limited salt intake, you could be ruining your recovery process. As an equestrian you are working hard in the saddle. Now, if you ride and workout you are probably losing sodium. You should know that by adding more salty foods or some type of electrolytes for yourself, you are helping your muscular recovery. It’s the same as adding the supplement to your horse.
Riders will supplement horses with electrolytes and salt, why not supplement themselves?
It’s all about your own personal needs and chemical makeup. Some people with higher blood pressure shouldn’t have added sodium. If you consume enough salt in what you eat then you don’t need to supplement yourself. The same goes for your horse. If they are not working hard in the heat and sweating then you probably don’t need to supplement your horse. So do your own research and see if maybe you need to add some more salt or maybe you need to limit the intake.
Find the one that suits your needs!