Increasing difficulty of planks
increasing core stamina & alignment
Start simple
The basic plank is probably the most beneficial. When increasing the levels of difficulty in this exercise, remember to go back to the simple plank every once in a while. To read more about the basic plank, click here.
The floor verses balance equipment
Sometimes placing your feet or your hands on balance equipment is beneficial and sometimes it’s not. Too much instability is going to create more imbalances in your core support system. always make sure that you can hold a basic, simple plank for at least a minute. Check to make sure that the stamina is there in your core before increasing the difficulty. At least once a month, for a week solid, I will do a simple plank for one minute before raising the difficulty of the exercise. That way I engage before I challenge my core.
Example: Hold the plank; hands on floor for a minute. Move right into a plank with elbows on stability or BOSU for another minute.

Exercise of the Week | Plank | BioRider Fitness
August 2, 2020 @ 10:05 pm
[…] Here’s my list to increasing difficulty of the plank, click here! […]